Aojie (Liaoning) Pharmaceutical Technology Co., LTD

About Aojie


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Company profile

  • 分类:About Aojie
  • Release time:2022-03-14 13:45:04
  • Visits:0

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Blue wave LAN Macao clean pure lofty


  In Shenyang, a fertile land with profound cultural heritage, there is a shining star in the disinfection industry - Aojie (Liaoning) Pharmaceutical Technology Co., LTD。Established in 2016,As a state-level high-tech enterprise, Shenyang integrity creation demonstration unit, 2020 anti-epidemic pioneer enterprise, Shenyang medical epidemic prevention materials reserve enterprise, national credit 3A level enterprise, National Health Industry Enterprise Management Association disinfection industry branch member unit, China Food and Drug Enterprise Quality and Safety Promotion Association standardization professional committee member unit, China pharmaceutical health industry stockA limited company strategic reserve cooperation unit。In the battle against the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, in order to ensure the supply of anti-epidemic materials, on the premise of taking good prevention and control measures, Aojie Pharmaceutical has overcome difficulties and insisted on production, taking the production of air disinfectant and hand sanitizer as the top priority, making outstanding contributions to the epidemic prevention and control in Liaoning Province!

High-tech enterprise certificate

Outgate Health Manufacturing License (2021.7)

  Aojie is committed to human health and life technology industry,Is a research and development, production and sales as one of the health products, beauty care products and disinfection products of professional companies,It has many sub-brands such as AoBijie, AoBikang, AoBiting and AoBishuang,The products cover air disinfection, air conditioning disinfection, skin wound mucosa repair, maternal and child safety disinfection, antibacterial hand sanitizer, gynecology and andrology high-end care products。

© 2022 Aojie (Liaoning) Pharmaceutical Technology Co., LTD       Liao ICP 17012690-2